We take the earth, we light a fire and we create beauty.

In a nutshell, unlike an electric or gas firing, wood firing uses wood as the primary fuel for heating the kiln. Wood firing is called an atmospheric firing due to the atmosphere that flows through the kiln and “paints” the ware. In this case the ware is painted by flames and fly ash. Once the kiln reaches high temperatures the fly ash from the firebox that flies around the kiln deposits on the pieces which melts to form natural ash glazes.

A second by product which occurs during the firing is the “reduction” this happens when there is more fuel in the kiln compared to the flow of oxygen. This can essentially choke the kiln, but when controlled this process draws the oxygen from the pots and creates a rich toasty colour palette derived simply from iron.

Wood firing creates a cumulative record of the flame on each piece, by capturing the movement of light through time and permanently marking the movement of flame on the ware. There is this constant dialogue between wood and fire, wood firing inherently has a raw,elemental connection to natural material and process. I love that for thousands of years humans have been lighting a fire inside an arch of bricks to create beautiful pots.

